"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." Lao Tzu

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Days 23 & 24: Goodbye Hawaii

Our last two days in Hawaii. Day 23 was spent enjoying service at the Paradise Park Church of the Nazarene. After the service, we were treated to a lunch on the grounds and then everyone was involved in writing their second essay. Their first essay was written at the military camp a few days before. So for those of us not involved in this aspect, we relaxed until everyone was done. We got back to the camp and did the squaring away of luggage and final check because we would be leaving the next day. Day 24 was just filled with travel. Catching a small flight from Hilo to Honolulu then from Honolulu to Houston and Houston to Boston. Since we would be traveling all day, the students were given their third essay to finish.

As aways, I'm sadden to leave and head back to reality. I've enjoyed the time experiencing God's creation and hanging out with Doc, Twining, and the Everetts. I could have done without some of the childness, shelfishness, and intitledment displayed by some of the college students. Unless they have a trust fund waiting for them or marry someone rich, they will have a rude awaking when they head out into the real world. It always amazes me how people can be so shallow and stupid even when faced with the beauty of the creation. I just want to slap people at times and say "Wake up! Look around you. Experience this! Learn as much as you can because you never know if you will ever get another opportunity like this again!"

So until the next adventure, Mahalo Doc for another awesome trip!

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