"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." Lao Tzu

Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 16: Day of Rest

We left for the Maku'u Flea Market after breakfast and before church. At the flea market many items could be purchased. There were many white pineapples and cocoa pods for sell. Purchased a few items, one being this wooden carving of a dolphin. I wanted the turtle but it was sold when I went back for it. Bob picked up some bar-b-que and tortillas.

After church we headed to the lava tubes to go swimming but since it was very crowded, we traveled the red road to the geothermal pools. The road has red ash in it, hence the name. Gray lichen was seen on the lava fields, pioneer speices.

A fissure opened up releasing the a lava fountain that covered the area. Magma still flows undergournd and flows out into the ocean.

After spending the time in the pools and the sun, we headed to Kileau to see the NorthEast Rift Zone. There are two huge rifts in the caldera; one located NE of the caldera and the other, SW. This rift zone marks where the Big Island is pulling apart. In 1955 a fissure opened up and a deeper conduit opended causing a flow of lava to wipe out a small town. Dykes formed in areas around the fissure. Erputions can sometimes be fountains or sheets and don't have to come out of a vent. There are two types of lava: pahoehoe and aah. Pahoehoe is ropy lava while aah is rigid and jagged.

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