Utila was amazing. The place we stayed was incredible. The staff was helpful and friendly, the food was delicious and sinful, and the dive operation was perfect. The temperature was perfect and the coral reefs were very healthy. Though there wasn't a ton of fish in abundance as you would expect, the corals and sponges were overpowering. A lot of variety was seen and a list is on our
photo sharing website if you want to check it out. Pictures from the trip are also on the website if you want to look at them.
If you are looking for a place to relax and soak up the sun plus enjoy a very healthy reef, Utila is for you. We will definitely go back to this place. We still enjoy seeing other new places but this is one that if we can't go someplace new, we'll go here. Next major trip will be to Little Cayman next February. The reefs are suppose to the be best in all the Caribbean. A friend of Bob's, who manages a hotel on Grand Cayman, said that Little Cayman Beach Resort is really nice and that his wife always dives with the dive team from LCBR.